Due Date Calculator

Calculate your estimated due date using your last menstrual period or conception date with our accurate due date calculator.

Calculate Due Date

Understanding Due Date Calculation

The Due Date Calculator is a comprehensive tool that helps expectant mothers and healthcare providers determine the estimated date of delivery (EDD). This calculator uses various methods to provide accurate predictions based on different starting points of pregnancy.

Methods of Due Date Calculation

Last Menstrual Period (LMP) Method

The most common method uses Naegele's rule, which calculates the due date by:

This calculation assumes a 28-day menstrual cycle and ovulation occurring on day 14.

Conception Date Method

If you know your conception date, the calculator:

IVF Transfer Method

For IVF pregnancies, the calculator considers:

Important Pregnancy Milestones

Understanding key dates helps you prepare for important pregnancy events:

Understanding Due Date Accuracy

It's essential to note that:

Important Note: While this calculator provides accurate estimates based on standard pregnancy calculations, every pregnancy is unique. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical advice and pregnancy care planning.

Your Pregnancy Timeline