Lifting Strength Calculator

Enter Your Max Lifts

Understanding Overall Lifting Strength

Lifting strength is a comprehensive measure of your overall muscular power and capability across different movement patterns. Understanding your strength levels helps optimize training and set realistic goals for progression.

Key Strength Measurements

Absolute Strength

The maximum force you can generate regardless of body weight:

Relative Strength

Your strength in relation to body weight:

The Big Four Lifts

1. Squat

Primary lower body compound movement:

2. Bench Press

Upper body pushing strength:

3. Deadlift

Posterior chain development:

4. Overhead Press

Vertical pushing power:

Strength Standards and Classifications

Beginner Standards (% of Body Weight)

Intermediate Standards

Advanced Standards

Factors Affecting Strength

Various elements influence overall strength development:

Strength Development Strategies

Effective methods for increasing overall strength: