USMC PFT CFT Calculator

Understanding USMC Fitness Tests: PFT and CFT

The United States Marine Corps maintains two distinct fitness assessments: the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and the Combat Fitness Test (CFT). These tests evaluate different aspects of a Marine's physical capabilities and combat readiness.

Example Results

Test Type Pull-ups/Push-ups Crunches Run Time Total Score Classification
PFT 20 Pull-ups 100 Crunches 18:00 290 First Class
PFT 18 Pull-ups 90 Crunches 19:00 280 First Class
PFT 15 Pull-ups 80 Crunches 20:30 250 First Class
PFT 12 Pull-ups 70 Crunches 22:00 230 Second Class
PFT 10 Pull-ups 60 Crunches 23:00 200 Second Class
PFT 8 Pull-ups 50 Crunches 24:00 180 Third Class
PFT 6 Pull-ups 45 Crunches 24:30 160 Third Class
PFT 5 Pull-ups 40 Crunches 25:00 150 Third Class
PFT 3 Pull-ups 30 Crunches 26:00 120 Fail
PFT 1 Pull-up 20 Crunches 28:00 100 Fail
CFT 100 Ammo Can Lifts -- 2:45 MTC 290 First Class
CFT 90 Ammo Can Lifts -- 3:00 MTC 280 First Class
CFT 80 Ammo Can Lifts -- 3:15 MTC 260 First Class
CFT 70 Ammo Can Lifts -- 3:30 MTC 240 Second Class
CFT 60 Ammo Can Lifts -- 3:45 MTC 220 Second Class
CFT 50 Ammo Can Lifts -- 4:00 MTC 200 Second Class
CFT 40 Ammo Can Lifts -- 4:15 MTC 180 Third Class
CFT 30 Ammo Can Lifts -- 4:30 MTC 160 Third Class
CFT 20 Ammo Can Lifts -- 5:00 MTC 140 Third Class
CFT 10 Ammo Can Lifts -- 5:30 MTC 120 Fail

Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

Components of the PFT

  1. Pull-ups/Push-ups:
    • Males: Pull-ups (dead hang)
    • Females: Choice of pull-ups or push-ups
    • Measures upper body strength and endurance
  2. Crunches or Plank:
    • Maximum repetitions in 2 minutes (crunches)
    • Maximum time held (plank)
    • Evaluates core strength and endurance
  3. 3-Mile Run:
    • Timed run on a measured course
    • Tests cardiovascular endurance
    • Must be completed in specified time limits

Combat Fitness Test (CFT)

Components of the CFT

  1. Movement to Contact (MTC):
    • 880-yard sprint in combat boots
    • Simulates battlefield movement
    • Tests speed and endurance
  2. Ammunition Can Lift (ACL):
    • Maximum repetitions in 2 minutes
    • 30-pound ammunition can
    • Measures upper body strength and endurance
  3. Maneuver Under Fire (MANUF):
    • 300-yard combat obstacle course
    • Includes various combat-related tasks
    • Tests agility, coordination, and endurance
Importance of Fitness Tests

Fitness tests are crucial for assessing the physical readiness of Marines. They ensure that all personnel maintain the necessary physical capabilities to perform their duties effectively.

Scoring System

Both the PFT and CFT use a point system based on:

Classification Levels

Training Recommendations

To excel in both PFT and CFT, Marines should focus on:

Impact on Marine Corps Career

Performance on PFT and CFT affects: